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Novosti News

18.4.2024. 7:59
Izašao je novi broj časopisa "Lamed" kojeg uređuje i priprema Ivan Ninić.Izrael. KOaj broj je posvećen suvremenim pitanjima i problemima  Izrela
  •            Lamed E
  • ·          Selected and edited by Ivan L Ninic
  • ·          e-mail:

·         Content

·         Neil Rogachevsky: What Would Ben-Gurion Do?
·         Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman & Erica Schachne: Sharansky- Oslo sowed the seeds for theOctober 7 massacre
·         Elliott Abrams: The Two-State Delusion
·         Daniel Pomerantz: On Palestinian statehood
·         Michael Milshtein: Why is it so difficult for Israel
to  decipher Hamas?
·         Melanie Swan: Iranian bombs dropped on Israel are transported on ships using European ports
·         Erin Snodgrass: Russian dissident journalist warns no country - not even the US - is safe from fascism after Ukraine war
·         Cookie Schwaeber: Europe's no-go Jewish zones are only the beginning
·         Tom O'Connor: With World's Attention on Gaza, ISIS Is Making a Global Comeback
·   Ken Brill: Netanyahu's war is lost. It's time to save any chance for peace. 
