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24.5.2011. 17:53
Što je "Respektabilni Anti-Semitizam"?

Predsjednik Evropskog židovskog kongresa Moshe Kantor je upozorio na opasnost tzv. "Respektabilnog anti-Semitizma" tj. na antisemitske izjave vrlo značajnih,  "respektabilnih" , osoba, kao npr. ministara, predstavnika važnih organizacija itd.

Da li ovaj oblik anti-Semitizma predstavlja novu prijetnju Židovima Evrope, čitajte u priloženom članku.

European Jewish Congress (EJC) President, Dr. Moshe Kantor, spoke today at the Anti-Semitism Press Conference which is held annually by The Kantor Center for the Studyof Contemporary European Jewry and The Stephen RothInstitute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism andRacism at Tel Aviv University.

Moshe Kantor

Kantor noted that while the number of anti-Semitic incidents in 2010 was slightly lower than in the previous year, much of this had to do with Operation Cast Lead which was still ongoing during January 2009. "If one were to remove the spike resulting from Operation Cast Lead from the 2009 report then the 2010 report demonstrates many similarities in terms of numbers and types of anti-Semitic attacks as previous years," Kantor said.

"Thus, sadly demonstrating that anti-Semitism has notdecreased in a noticeable fashion across the European continent. On the contrary, the reduction is minimal compared to the massive rise that has taken place over the last two decades."
The EJC President stated that one of the worrying growths over the last year was anti-Semitic comments made by prominent officials in Europe. "What we have witnessed over the previous year is the rise of what I call ’respectable anti-Semitism’," Kantor related at the conference.

"This form of anti-Semitism is made by prominent and respectable officials whose words are heard by millions on TV screens and the radio, in newspapers and books and on the internet."

Kantor provided a chronology of examples of ’respectable anti-Semitism from 2010, including German Bundesbank board member Thilo Sarrazin in his book on immigration issues, Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade, in an interview to a local radio station, Monsignor Cyril Salim Bustros, Greek Melkite Archbishop at a Vatican press conference and Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, a
Greek Orthodox Church leader on Greek television.

"Each one of these incidents was not just problematic in its own right, they each evoked terrible anti-Semitic accusations that many thought were left behind by a new Europe," Kantor said.

"That such prominent figures can evoke such anti-Semitic canards is extremely disturbing and worrying.

Whereas many anti-Semites are seen as extremists who have little following and remain at the margins of society, these "respectable anti-Semites" have power and their message resonates amongst millions."

"While freedom of speech is a cornerstone of any democracy, before even this right is surely the right to life and security and hate speech endangers both. Tolerance is also important, 

but there needs to be a form of ’limited tolerance’, which takes into account the demands of security."

Kantor called for a more robust definition of anti-Semitism and implementation to protect the Jews of Europe from racial hatred.
"All levels of society need to be accountable for their words and their actions. Jews cannot possibly feel safe on a continent whose prominent figures can say such things ;" he continued.

"If the Jews of Europe can’t receive protection or respite from mainstream officials then we are entering a very dark period for Jewish Europe."

"In fact, I would take this even further. As Jews have always been the ’canary in the mineshaft’ test for European open-mindedness, I would claim that this could be described as a dark period for European tolerance.

To meet this great challenge there must be more robust education, beginning at the youngest age."



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