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Novosti News

26.5.2011. 20:33
nagrada Elie Wieselu

Od United States Holocaust Memorial Museum-a  primili smo pismo o nagradi koju je primio nobelovac Elie Wiesel, te je tom prilikom ustanovljena i  stalna godišnja nagrada u njegovo ime.


Elie Wiesel

Dear melita,

In a moving ceremony last week, we presented Elie Wiesel with the first United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Award in recognition of his singular contribution to humanity and the cause of Holocaust remembrance.

In honor of his enduring legacy, the Museum announced the award henceforth will be named the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Elie Wiesel Award. It will be bestowed annually on a prominent individual whose actions help create a world in which people confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

Upon accepting the award, Elie told a hushed audience of more than 1,100 Museum supporters, Holocaust survivors, and dignitaries:

"To forget the dead would mean not only to betray them but to give them a second death, to kill them again. We couldn't prevent the first death, but the second one we can and therefore we must."
Elie spoke powerfully about memory's capacity to change the world. This conviction lies at the heart of the Museum's mission.

Your support enables us to sustain and enhance the programs that help transform memory into action today. Please join in supporting the Museum's ongoing work of Holocaust remembrance and education:


Sara Bloomfield



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