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22.6.2011. 10:48
Gay parada - internacionalne vijesti iz Tel-Aviva,Splita,Varšave, Moskve

Israel infos : Actualites ISRAËL - Les retombées économiques de la Gay Pride de Tel Aviv
par Misha Uzan

Tel Aviv a développé un véritable "tourisme gay", et les retombées économiques sont jugées excellentes.
La derni?re gay pride qui s'est déroulée le 10 juin, a bénéficié d'un écho sans précédent...Ainsi, pour un investissement total de moins de 200 000 euros, les revenus générés au profit de l'industrie du tourisme par la Gay Pride représenteraient pr?s de 5,5 millions d'euros et 6000 visiteurs...
Tel Aviv est ainsi devenue, volontairement ou pas, en quelques années, la "référence gay" au Moyen-Orient.

La presse spécialisée européenne qui s'est fait l'écho des év?nements israéliens mentionnent tous des témoignages qui mettent en avant
le pays comme une terre de contraste mais de liberté et de démocratie.

Human right first ;  Home » blog » A Refracted Rainbow: Attacks and Bans on Gay Pride Parades (Updates from Croatia & Poland)   6-13-2011

Split: Gay Pride Under Attack (c) Vojko Bašić/CROPIX

  • (6/12/11) In Split, Croatia, thousands of ultranationalist supporters gathered to protest the town’s first gay pride on June 12. Counterdemonstrators quickly overpowered the police, throwing rocks, firecrackers, bottles, and trash at the marchers. While the police created a buffer zone to protect the marchers, the organizers felt this was not enough to prevent violence, which left five people injured. At least one hundred counterdemonstrators were detained in Split.
  • Croatia’s President and Prime Minister condemned the violence in Split, which came only a day after the country received a final approval for its entry into the European Union in 2013. A further investigation into the attacks has begun.
  • (6/11/11) In Warsaw, Poland, the police worked to protect the pride demonstration on June 11. Counterdemonstrators tried to throw firecrackers and shouted antigay slurs, which did not stop the parade. Last year, the police similarly had to intervene to protect the marchers in the city that has a decade-long history with gay pride events (including two episodes when the parade was banned in 2004 and 2005, in violation of three articles of the European Convention on Human Rights).
  • (5/28/11) In Moscow, Russia, the authorities denied permission for a Moscow gay pride event for the sixth consecutive year in May.
  • City officials cited numerous letters from public officials, religious organizations and private citizens urging the authorities to prohibit a demonstration.
  • On May 28, a small gay rights demonstration was attacked, leaving several injured, by a crowd of ultranationalist / Orthodox / neo-Nazi supporters. The attackers were not found; instead, the police detained thirty demonstrators who rallied for gay rights in Russia.



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