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19.7.2011. 17:06
Novosti iz Claims konferencije -pomoć za preživjele Holokausta

Claims konferencija je u najnovijim pregovorima sa njemačkom vladom ( u travnju 2011) uspjela dobiti sredstva za njegu u kući za osobe koje su preživjele Holokaust.

U prilogu je tekst sa WEB stranice, a Židovska općina Zagreb je u svom listu "Hadašon" također obavijestila članove o novim mogućnostima i uvjetima.

Claims Conference Negotiates Landmark $600 Million Agreement for Homecare and Pensions

The Claims Conference has negotiated with the German government for historic successive increases in funding for homecare for Holocaust victims and for significant changes in its pension programs.

In annual negotiations with the German Ministry of Finance on April 4, the Claims Conference obtained a multi-year commitment for homecare funding. ...

  This long-term agreement provides survivors and the agencies that care for them the certainty that funding will be available to address the anticipated growing demand over the next few years.

Additional survivors can receive assistance and extra hours can be provided to those who need it.

The Claims Conference will allocate the German government money to agencies around the world that provide in-home nursing and vital help with basic activities of daily living such as eating, dressing, bathing, and other services that greatly ease the lives of elderly Holocaust victims and enable them to remain living in their own homes.....

Length of Time in a Ghetto

The criteria for Article 2 and CEEF payments currently stipulate that incarceration in a ghetto had to have been for at least 18 months in order to meet eligibility requirements for payment. In the negotiations, the German government agreed to review on an individual case by case basis the claims from survivors who were in a ghetto for less than 18 months to determine if, when reviewing the totality of their persecution and other factors, they are cases of special hardship.

The Claims Conference stated that Nazi victims who survived in permanent fear of death in a ghetto should not have to prove 18 months persecution as every single day living under these conditions should be recognized...

Several open issues were referred to a joint German government and Claims Conference working group whose mandate is to make recommendations for the next negotiating session, which Germany agreed would be convened in November 2011. ....

April 05, 2011



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