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1.10.2011. 23:39
Predsjednik Obama povodom Nove Godine

prenosimo sa European Jewish Press

WASHINGTON (AFP)---President Barack Obama praised the "unshakeable" bonds between Israel and the United States Tuesday in remarks marking the start of the Jewish high holy days.

Predsjednik Barack Obama je pohvalio čvrste (nepomućene) odnose između Izraela i USA,  u četvrtak, prilikom označavanja početka židovskih velikih blagdana.

Obama hails 'unshakeable' US-Israel ties
Updated: 28/Sep/2011 15:13

Obama paid homage to US-Israeli ties in a videotaped statement said that the sacred Jewish holidays -- book-ended by the start of the Jewish new year Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday and the day of atonement, Yom Kippur, next week.

The major Jewish holidays afford "an opportunity to reaffirm our
friendships, renew our commitments, and reflect on the values we cherish," said Obama.

"My administration is doing everything we can to promote prosperity here at home and security and peace throughout the world -- and that includes reaffirming our commitment to the State of Israel," the US leader said.

"While we cannot know all that the New Year will bring, we do know this: the United States will continue to stand with Israel, because the bond between our two nations is unshakeable," he added.

Obama noted, however, that "the last year was also one of hardship for people around the world," including for the people of Israel, who, he said, "face the uncertainties of an unpredictable age."

According to a poll released by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), Jews now approve and disapprove of Obama's performance in roughly equal numbers.

The poll shows 45 percent of American Jews approve of Obama as opposed to 48 percent disapproving, the difference falling within with the survey's margin of error of 3 percentage points.

The numbers show a substantial drop for Obama from the 57 percent of Jews who approved of his performance in the 2010 AJC survey.

Another poll published this time by The Jerusalem Post shows that Barack Obama succeeded in reaching out to Israelis with his speech last Friday to the UN General Assembly and his efforts to block the UN from unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state.

When asked about the Obama administration’s policies, 54 percent said they were more favorable toward Israel, 19% said they were more pro-Palestinian, and 27% called them neutral.


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