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2.10.2011. 0:03
Predsjednik EU parlamenta povodom židovske Nove Godine

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President blows Shofar on the occasion of Jewish New Year

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (C) blows the Shofar, the traditional ram’s horn, on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Left is Ukrainian philanthropist Vadim Rabinovitch, Vice-President of the European Jewish Union. At R is Levi Matusof, Director of the European Jewish Public Affairs, who wished that "the sound of Europe be heard loud and clear."

Predsjednik je "puhao" u šofar prilikom židovske Nove godine

Predsjednik Evropskog parlamenta Jerzy Buzek je "puhao" u šofar, tradicionalni rog, prilikom Rosh Hashanah, židovske Nove godine.

EU Parliament President blows Shofar on the occasion of Jewish New Year
Updated: 22/Sep/2011 17:35
European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (C) blows the Shofar, the traditional ram’s horn, on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Left is Ukrainian philanthropist Vadim Rabinovitch, Vice-President of the European Jewish Union. At R is Levi Matusof, Director of the European Jewish Public Affairs, who wished that "the sound of Europe be heard loud and clear."

Na slici se nalazi lijevo ukrajinski filantrop Vadim  Rabinovitch, potpredsjednik Evropske židovske unije 8 European jewish Union). S desne strane je Levi matusof, direktor European Jewish Publuc afair  te su zaželjeli  da se zvuk Evrope čuje glasno i jasno,

BRUSSELS (EJP)---European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek blew a Shofar, the traditional ram’s horn, on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, during a special event held at the EU parliament premises in Brussels, on September 21, under the patronage of the EU Polish presidency.

Buzek addressed a message of peace and hope to a crowd including members of the Jewish community, MEPs and diplomats from various European countries.

He wished the Jewish communities around Europe “Shana Tovah” (Happy New Year) and “Shalom” (peace) "for this year and the years to come."

He also welcomed the commencement of Jewish education of Shalom Garelik, a 3-year-old boy whose hair was cut by friends and family for the first time according to the religious tradition.

"Shalom is not only a name but also a wish, that of peace," Buzek said. "This is our duty as today's generation, that when Shalom grows up, he will live in a world of tolerance and peace".

The Parliament President said Rosh Hashanah is "a time of reflection on the past, but also a time of optimism for the year to come." "Last year saw many changes in the world, especially in the Middle East where the Arab Spring has brought a new hope that peace can finally be achieved in the region," he said.

He added that "real stability comes from democracy and only democracies can guarantee a, lasting peace."

The event was co-organized by the European Jewish Community Centre (EJCC), the European Jewish Union (EJU) and the European Jewish Public Affairs..

On this occasion, the "Museum of the History of Polish Jews", which is currently being built on the location of the former Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, opened in the EU parliament premises an informative exhibition on “Thousand years of Jews in Poland," in presence of Polish ambassador to the EU, Jan Tombinski.

And Tomer Orni, European Jewish Union's CEO, announced the launching the same day of Jewish News One, a 24 hours worldwide television channel, and the scheduled election of a European Jewish Parliament.

Rosh Hashanah, literally "head of the year", is observed on the first two days of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, which is believed to be the month in which God created the world.

It is the first of the High Holidays and is celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year for the Jews.

This year Rosh Hashanah falls on September 29 and 30.



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