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Novosti News

16.10.2011. 17:24
U protestima u New Yorku sudjeluju i Židovi

Occupy Wall Street protests taking on a Jewish flavor
By Dan Klein and Danielle Fleischman · October 11, 2011

Come Yom Kippur eve, they and several hundred other Jews found themselves drawn to lower Manhattan, where under the gaze of curious onlookers, they held an open-air Kol Nidre service organized to support the Occupy Wall Street protesters near Zuccotti Park.....


..nekoliko stotina Židova je  na Manhattanu održala ceremoniju Kol Nidre kao potporu učesnicima protesta .. I u Bostonu i u Filadelfiji židovski aktivisti su držali službu na Yom Kippur na mjestima demonstracija

“For many of us, social justice is where we find our Judaism,” said Regina Weiss, the communications director for the Progressive Jewish Alliance & Jewish Funds for Justice. “For many there is no more The person credited with the idea of holding the Kol Nidre services at the protests, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center, told JTA that protesting is a key part of Judaism.

“The reason there is a Jewish place in these protests is that there is a protest place in Judaism,” he said. “From the Exodus, from Isaiah, from Jeremiah and all the way down to rabbinic Judaism, there is a sense that Judaism is constantly struggling against top-down power of the Pharaoh. “Judaism calls for freedom, democracy and feeding the hungry,” he added.

Judaizam zove na slobodu, demokraciju i da se nahrane gladni (rekao je rabin Arthur Waskow)

Neki Židovi  uključeni u proteste,  pokušali  su se boriti protiv  ( manje) struje anti-Cionizma i anti-semitizma u pokretu

Last Friday night, the drumbeat at the plaza protesters have occupied since Sept. 17 was drowned out by the sounds of Kol Nidre.

Congregants arranged themselves in concentric circles around the bimah and a Torah scroll on loan from an Orthodox synagogue, chanting and singing so that the words of the service could carry back to the edges of the crowd.

It was hard to tell whether the Kol Nidre call and response was borrowed from an old labor tactic or Jewish summer camp. Halal food carts ringed the congregation.

“This is what shul should feel like,” said Feldman, surrounded by a congregation wearing a mix of sneakers, ties, tallitot, yarmulkes, jeans and T-shirts. "Overwhelmed by community.”



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