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2.1.2012. 18:34
Uzbuna zbog mješovitih brakova

Jewish organization raises alarm about the level of intermarriage among European students  


Židovske organizacije su alarmirane zbog broja mješovitih brakova među evropskim studentima
by: EJP Updated: 29/Dec/2011 15:32

"Every year, dozens of couples who meet through the ECJS activities get married," says Zeevi Ives, Director of the European Center of Jewish Students.



 Svake godine deseci parova, koji se sretnu kroz ECJS aktivnosti,  zaključuju brak, rekao je Zeevi Ives, direktor Evropskog centra za židovske studije.
BRUSSELS (EJP)---The European Centre for Jewish Students (ECJS) has raised alarm about the results of a new inquiry showing a rise of 17 % of the rate of intermarriage among European students.

The annual research has been conducted among a representative sample of Jewish communities and student organizations in Europe ahead of “Shabbat Like a Jew”, an event which will gather several hundreds of students from across Europe in Athens, Greece, during the next weekend.

This event is organized by ECJS in partnership with the European Jewish Union (EJU), two organizations which are working to promote and strengthen Jewish life and Jewish identity among European students by organizing events and activities throughout the year for thousands of people.

“The results of the 2011 study among students is really frightening,” said Zeevi Ives, Director of ECJS.

Tomer Orni, CEO of EJU, an organization which promotes Jewish life in Europe: “Raising assimilation rates is indeed a troubling phenomenon. There is still much more to be done. The good news is that there are more engagement opportunities now for Jewish students across Europe who wish to get involved...”
However, although the level of intermarriage is still much too high in our view, we see a change for the better because the rise this year is lower when compared to recent years,” he added.

Tomer Orni, EJU's CEO said "raising assimilation rates is indeed a troubling phenomenon. There is still much more to be done. The good news is that there are more engagement opportunities now for Jewish students across Europe who wish to get involved..."

"EJU started various educational projects in Europe about a year ago and their results will definitely be seen the next time that the level of intermarriage on the continent is assessed," said Orni.

According to ECJS, there are some 200,000 Jews aged 18-30 in Europe, the age at which this group of young people form relationships.

Prema ECJS, u Evropi  ima oko 200.000 Židova starih između 18 i 30 godina. To je grupa mladih ljudi u kojoj oni stvaraju međusobne odnose.

Cilj je da se što više je moguće među njima ojača židovski identitet i da nastave "lanac" generacija židovske nacije.

Ives said the goal is to reach as many of them as possible "in order to reinforce their Jewish identity and continue the chain of the generations of the Jewish nation."

He noted that every year, dozens of couples who meet through the ECJS activities get married. "We should continue to do our utmost to reach as many of Jews as possible wherever they are



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