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Novosti News

5.1.2012. 23:56
Novi istraživački centar u Yad vashemu


The Diana Zborowski Center for the Study of the Aftermath of the Holocaust

Osnovan je Diana Zborowski centar za studij vremena nakon Holokausta.

Centar će biti u Internacionalnom Institutu za istraživanje Holokausta u Yad Vashemu. Zadaća Centra je da daje incijativu, koordinira i podupire istraživanja koja se odnose na posljedice i implikacije Holokausta.


Poticaj za osnivanje Centra je došao od Eli Zborowskog,  voditelja Američkog društva ( American society) u Yad Vashemu.

The Center’s Research Agenda will focus on:

?The fate of She’erith Hapleitah in post-war Europe, the trials and travails of returning home; life in the Displaced Persons camps, the exodus from Europe, grappling with the past while starting life anew in their chosen lands of settlement.

?Political responses to the consequences of the Shoah in the State of Israel and Jewish communities worldwide.

?Acts of revenge and retribution, the trials of Nazi war criminals and their accomplices, bringing Jewish collaborators, so-called, to justice.

?The struggle to repossess Jewish property, private and public, restitution and reparations from Germany, the great Jewish debate.

?Memorialization – historical committees, collecting and publishing survivor testimonies, monuments in memoria, building institutions to commemorate, study and teach the Shoah, community efforts to publish Yizkor books.

?The multi-disciplined academic study of the Shoah in all its dimensions, philosophical and theological reflection, its artistic representation in literature, art, theatre and film

In Process:

The following projects will stand at the center of our research activities over the next year and beyond:

Europe in the Eyes of the Shoah Survivor

Studies in Shoah Commemoration

Early and Later Survivor Testimonies as a Key to Changing Perspectives on the Shoah...

The tremendous number of archived interviews with Shoah survivors presents researchers with a valuable opportunity not only to make known the disaster of the Shoah, but also to better understand the process of talking about the past.... 

We believe that a comparative analysis of these testimonies that would allow us to better understand the shaping of the memory of the Shoah, both personal and public....

The life story reflects past experience, the situation of telling, time in development, and culture. It incorporates all of these elements into the flow of conversation.....



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