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26.6.2012. 11:11
Konferencija u Zagrebu- zahvale učesnika

Dear Dr. Kraus,

Just one week ago my wife and myself came home from the conference of our European Association of Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust.
I only can say that this conference was very interesting, meaningful and very well organized by the people of the Jewish Community in Zagreb.
We have met our old friends and we made some new friends.

I specifically remember the wonderful shabath diner in the home of your community, it was delicious and very well prepared.
I remember on the first day of our conference listening to many interesting speakers, we had a good panel discussion in the afternoon
About the anti Semitism in various countries.

I remember our visit to the Dakovo commemoration. Although the bus ride took a very long time, this moving event we would not have missed. It made a great impression on all of us.
Seeing all these graves so well preserved, made such an impression on myself so that I cannot forget this.
I am happy that we all could go there.
Also the lunch and the visit to Osijek was very good.

The entertainment on Sunday evening was so charming and so nice.

In all I must conclude that the conference was wonderful prepared by Dr. Melita Svob. For us from other countries it was an event we will never forget. Dr.Svob deserves our utmost gratitude and compliments.
The staff of the Jewish community deserves also a big compliment for preparing delicious meals and snacks and organising the conference.

Dear Dr. Kraus, I wish to thank you for all your people have done for us. Our European Association is very grateful.

With the best regards and thank you.


Max Arpels Lezer, president
European Association of JSH



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