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25.9.2012. 17:56
Izrael i Yom Kippur

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Poll show most Jewish Israelis observe Yom Kippur

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Jerusalem Post  By Jeremy Sharon

Istraživanje ( Anketa) je pokazala da većina Židova u Izraelu  slavi praznik Yom Kippur. Oko dvije trećine Židova u Izraelu će postiti,  a preko 80% će taj dan ili moliti se  ili se "preispitivati" -pokazalo je novo istraživanje objavljeno u ponedjeljak. Anketu je organizirala "Gesher social cohesion organization", zajedno sa Ynetom. U anketi je 64% odgovorilo da neće ni jesti ni piti tokom 25 -satnog Yom Kippur posta, najsvetijeg dana u židovskom kalendaru.

dalje čitajte u originalnom članku: 

The Panels Research Institute carried out the survey among 502 Jewish Israelis aged 18 and over, with a margin of error of 4.3%.

Forty-six percent of respondents said they would go to synagogue for at least some of the daylong prayer services, while 36% said they would use the day to spend quality time on personal introspection or with their families.

Gesher chairman Daniel Goldman said the results of the survey demonstrated that there was a consensus in the country that Yom Kippur represents a central day in the Israeli calendar across the board, regardless of one’s religious background.

“The vast majority of Israelis do something on Yom Kippur reflecting the day’s character as one of introspection,” Goldman said.

“What we also see from this poll is that people want to do something to express the way they feel about Yom Kippur in a way that makes sense to them,” he added, pointing to the large number of people who, although not attending synagogue, will use the time for contemplation and self-reflection.....


Other information from the poll showed that 14% of people will consider attending some kind of alternative observance or activity, including meditation, study programs and similar events. Twenty-five percent of all respondents said they would attend synagogue for all prayer services, and 21% said they would attend at least one service. Ten percent of those polled said they would watch movies at home, 3.5% said they would be out of the house with friends and family, and fewer than .5% said they would drive somewhere to a hiking destination.



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