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12.5.2008. 21:38
Restitucija imovine u Istočnoj Evropi
Dobili smo obavijest iz Claims konferencije o akciji za donošenje potrebne legislative i njezino realiziranje za povratak otete židovske imovine u zemljama Istočne Evrope. Donosimo dopis u originalu: Property Restitution in Eastern Europe Below you will find an excerpt from the Opening Statement of Senator Bill Nelson at a hearing held last week. This plan to introduce a Senate bi-partisan resolution focusing on East European property restitution is critically important. The Claims Conference has been working intensively with members of Congress on this issue. Your involvement will help move this initiative forward. To show support, please e-mail your encouragement to Senator Nelson at Excerpt from the Opening Statement of Senator Bill Nelsonn Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on International Operations and Organizations, Democracy and Human Rights Tuesday, May 6, 2008 2:30 p.m., 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building Unfortunately, some countries have not taken nearly enough action on restitution for insurance or other property taken from Jews and other victims of Nazi persecution. Poland, for example, is the sole member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe not to have enacted restitution legislation. This is unacceptable. That?s why I am pleased to announce today that, working with my colleagues Senators Gordon Smith, Ben Cardin, and Norm Coleman, we?ve drafted and plan to introduce a bi-partisan resolution urging all countries, especially those in the former Eastern Europe, to enact fair and comprehensive private and communal property restitution legislation and to do so quickly as possible. Our resolution will call for the Secretary of State to engage in dialogue to achieve the aims of the resolution as well as for the convening of an international intergovernmental conference to focus on the remaining steps necessary to secure restitution and compensation of Holocaust era assets. We hope the resolution will spur our own and other European governments into action and call attention to this important unfinished business. For more information: Ukratko, u prijevodu: Senator Bill Nelson ( zajedno sa senatorima Gordon Smith,Ben Cardin i Norm Coleman) su napravili nacrt i plan za donošenje rezolucije koja traži od svih zemalja, osobito onih u Istočnoj Evropi, da donese zakone koji bi osigurali pravednu restituciju komunalne ( općinske) i privatne imovine, brzo koliko je moguće. Naša rezolucija će tražiti od sekretara USA da se angažira za njeno donošenje i da organizira internacionalnu međudržavnu konferenciju koja će se usredotočiti na potrebne korake koji će osigurati restituciju i kompenzaciju.. Nadamo se da će rezolucija potaknuti našu vladu i druge Evropske vlade na akciju i privuči pažnju na taj važan nedovršeni posao.

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