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Novosti News

10.7.2014. 14:38
rakete na Tel Aviv i Jeruzalem

Hamas rockets reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv



For second time on Tuesday evening, Gaza terrorists launch rocket at central Israel; Tel Aviv and Jerusalem open public bomb shelters.Air raid sirens rang out in Greater Tel Aviv, and in Jerusalem, Kfar Saba and the Binyamina area on Tuesday evening, marking an increase in the Gazan rockets’ range, on the first day of Operation Protective Edge. The Jerusalem Municipality announced Tuesday evening that it will open public bomb shelters across the capital. The municipality also recommended that residents open their private shelters.

Israeli Press Review of 09.07.2014

Po drugi puta, u utorak navečer, iz Gaze su poslane rakete na Centralni Izrael. Tel -Aviv i Jeruzalem su otvorili javna skloništa od bombi. Kfar Saba i Binyamina područje je zabilježilo povećano raketiranje iz Gaze , na prvi dan operacije "Protective Edge". Gradska vlast u Jeruzalemu je objavila otvaranje skloništa u cijelom gradu, a preporučila je da stanovnici otvore i svoja privatna skloništa. Palestinske rakete su nastavile pogađati južni Izrael tokom dana,  a navečer je ispaljeno 120 projektila. "Iron Dome" zaštita je odbila 23 rakete koje su ispaljene na Ashod,Ashkelon i zajednice na granici sa Gazom. Rano u utorak, Hamas je ispalio rakete na Kiryat Malachi i Kibutz Ein Hashlosha u Eshkol području.

Israeli Press Review of 10.07.2014

Izraelska Armija je započela pozivati 40.000 rezervista,  a Kabinet je odobrio operaciju "Protective Edge" koja je  pogađala oko 100 ciljeva  u području Gaze kako bi spriječila ispaljivanje raketa , nakon što je posljednjih tjedana  ispaljeno više od 250 raketa i mnogo smrtonosnih napada na zajednice u južnom Izraelu . Ministar zdravlja Hamasa je rekao da je u Gazi nekoliko civila ubijeno,uključivši djecu, napadom na jednu od kuća.

Ministar odbrane Izraela  je pozvao pučanstvo da se ponaša prema instrukcijama "Home Front Command safety" te  da civili neće trpjeti  posljedice. ..

još o napadu:

As more than three million Israeli civilians are now targeted by barrages of Hamas rockets from Gaza, currently also reaching into the large population centres of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the European Jewish Congress is extending its updates of news from Israel. 


  • 160 Gaza rockets fired into Israeli civilian areas

Sirens wailed across Israel throughout Wednesday as around 160 rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza in 20 different municipalities, including Tel Aviv, Rishon Letzion, Modi'in, Ashdod, Ashkelon, and the Eshkol regional council, the Jerusalem Post reports.

  • Gaza rockets target Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Rockets fired from Gaza led to air raid sirens sounding in Greater Tel Aviv, and in Jerusalem, Kfar Saba and the Binyamina area on Tuesday evening, marking an increase in the Gazan rockets’ range, the Jerusalem Post reports.

An Iron Dome battery intercepted the incoming rocket over Tel Aviv. Hamas announced it had fired four M-75 rockets at Jerusalem. Two loud thuds were heard in downtown Jerusalem shortly after the rocket warning siren went off on Tuesday evening. Thousands of residents entered bomb shelters, while others remained outside and in cafés.

According to the military, missile were intercepted above Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion International Airport. Overnight, airport officials decided to return to full routine after security officials put Israel's sole international airfield on alert amid ongoing rocket fire from Gaza

  • 58 people treated by medical services following Hamas rocket attacks

Since the beginning of the recent barrage of rocket attacks from Gaza terrorists, 58 people had been treated by medical services in Israel, Maariv reports. Seven were treated for light injuries and 51 for shock as of early Wednesday morning.

French-speaking voluteers

French-speaking volunteers answer phones in MK Yoni Photo: Courtesy French-speaking new immigrants now have an emergency line they can call for support during Operation Protective Edge – the office of MK Yoni Chetboun. “Hundreds of families are leaving France to move to Israel, and they’re arriving in a tense, unusual time,” Chetboun, whose parents are immigrants from France, sai d .



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