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Novosti News

5.10.2014. 16:52
Apel Europskog parlamenta

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly calls on governments to stand up against rise of neo-Nazism in Europe

STRASBOURG (EJP)---The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution calling to stand up against the rise of neo-Nazism in Europe. "The Parliamentary Assembly unequivocally condemns the increasing number of manifestations of neo-Nazism and the rise of neo-Nazi parties and movements in Europe, some of which have entered parliament at national or European level," the resolution says, in a reference to electoral gains made by these parties after the May 2014 European elections.

Parlamentarna skupština Councila Europe (PACE) je usvojila rezoluciju kojom poziva  protiv porasta neonacizma u Europi. "Skupština Parlamenta bezuvjetno  osuđuje povećan broj manifestacija neonacizma i porast neonacističkih stranaka i pokreta u Europi , od kojih su neke ušle u parlamente na nacionalnoj ili europskoj razini" ,  kaže se u rezoluciji koja se odnosi na rezultate izbora koje su postigle te partije nakon europskih izbora u svibnju 2014..

The resolutions adds, ''This is not an isolated phenomenon particular to some Council of Europe member states, but rather a problem with pan-European dimensions. It often lays dormant in society until the right conditions for emergence come about. It can thus only be effectively tackled on the basis of shared experiences and good practice among member states."

U rezoluciji se dodaje: "To nije izolirana pojava osobito u nekim državama koje su članice Councila Europe, nego je to problem pan-europskih razmjera. On  je obično  leži " uspavan" u društvima dok se ne pojave prave mogućnosti za njegovu pojavu. Može se, dakle,   efektivno suzbiti jedino  izmjenom iskustava i prakse  među državama članicama".