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20.4.2015. 19:30
Molitve žena na "Zidu" u Jaruzalemu

In first, Women of the Wall read from full-size Torah scroll at Kotel
April 20, 2015

Prvi puta su žene čitale iz Tore na Zidu ( Kotelu ) 


Women of the Wall Kotel Torah

Women of the Wall for the first time read from a full-size Torah scroll during the group’s monthly prayer service at the Western Wall, contravening regulations there.
The Torah scroll, one of 100 available for public use on the men’s side of the Wall, was passed across the barrier between the men’s and women’s sections by male supporters of the 26-year-old organization on Monday during services for the new month of Iyar.
Regulations at the site set by the office of the Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Sites of Israel, headed by Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, have prevented women from using a Torah scroll in their section.
An April 2013 Supreme Court ruling acknowledged women’s right to pray at the Western Wall according to their beliefs, claiming it does not violate what has come to be known as “local custom

Žene iz organizacije"Žene Zida" su plesale u grupi  sa svitkm Tore u molitvi na Zapadnom Zidu u Jeruzalemu. To je porvi puta od kako je grupa osnovana,  prije 26 godina,   da su njeni članovi čitali iz potpunog svitka Tore, što je povreda pravila na tom svetom mjestu. Svitak Tore, jedan od 100 koji se upotrebljavaju na dijelu Zida za muškarce je  prenesen preko barijere između muškog i ženskog dijela uz pomoć  muškaraca koji podupiru tu organizaciju. To se dogodilo u ponedjeljak,  u toku službe za novi mjesec Iyar. Pravila o Zidu, koja su donesena od Ureda rabina za Zid i sveta mjesta u Izraelu  (vodi rabin Shmuel Rabinovitch) su zabranili ženama da upotrebe svitke Tore na njegovovom području.

U travnju 2010 .Vrhovni sud je donio odluku da žene imaju pravo molitve na Zapadnom Zidu  prema njihovom vjerovanju, smatrajući da to ne narušava tzv. "Lokalni običaj". Haredi ortodoks koji se molio na Zidu je fizički napao čovjeka koji je pomogao ženama  u  planiranoj pomoći da dobiju svitke. On je zatim provalio kroz pregradu (Mechitzah) u pokušaju da oduzme svitak Tore od žena.  

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku.

Police reportedly removed the men, and the women completed what the organization said in a statement was “a full and deeply moving service.”
In October, the women smuggled a miniature Torah scroll into the women’s section, despite their bags being searched, and held a bat mitzvah using the 200-year-old Torah, which was brought from Britain for the prayer service.
Women of the Wall gather at the Western Wall at the start of each Jewish month for the morning prayer service. The group’s members have clashed frequently with staff from Rabinovitch’s office and with police for holding services that violate the rules enforced by that office, including singing, wearing prayer shawls and other customs that are forbidden to women under the office’s interpretation of Orthodox Jewish law