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26.9.2015. 8:33
Djeca rođena u izbjegličkim kampovima nakon II. svjetskog rata

Na WEB stranici "Allgenerations" našli sm,o ovaj poziv:

Conference of "Children" Who Were in DP Camps Including "Babies" Born There.

First-Ever Gathering of Those Who Were Children in the Displaced Persons (DP) /Refugee Camps, Including Those Who Were  Born There)
Monday, December 21, 2015 . 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Tel Aviv University - Smolarz Auditorium, Ramat Aviv, Israel

Prva konferencija djece koja su živjela  ili  su tamo rođena,  u izbjegličkim kampovima  za "displased persons" (DP) i izbjeglice u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Italiji i Cipru

We look forward to your joining us as we learn, share and celebrate through discussions, lectures and seminars - with much appreciation, understanding and compassion - the following:

* The relentless ability of the Holocaust Survivors, our parents, who not only rebuilt their own lives individually, but were able to successfully come together as a Jewish People;

* The largest "baby boom" in history: the magnitude of the number of babies born in the dp camps, which became the symbol of freedom and of the revival of the Jewish nation;

* The daily life in the dp camps; including vocational training, and educational courses on Zionism and Jewish customs and culture, presented by the Survivors themselves along with the support of representatives from Eretz Israel and international Jewish organizations.

* The important role the Holocaust Survivors played in the struggle for Immigration to Palestine (now Israel).