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4.11.2015. 11:32

German officials: Muslim leaders must help fight anti-Semitism

October 28, 2015 

President of Germany's Central Council of Jews Dieter Graumann, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Vice Chairman Salomon Korn and Josef Schuster posing for photographers at the Central Council of Jews in Frankfurt, Germany, Nov. 25, 2012. (Daniel Roland/ AFP via Getty Images)

BERLIN (JTA) — Muslim leaders in Germany must help fight anti-Semitism within their ranks, representatives of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union said this week in a meeting with the country’s top Jewish leaders. Members of the board of the Central Council of Jews in Germany met with Merkel and several top government representatives on Monday. In a statement about the meeting, the CDU said party leaders made it clear that Muslim associations in Germany bear some responsibility for fighting anti-Semitism within the Muslim population. They also emphasized that “every form of anti-Semitism must be forcefully challenged. Israel’s right to exist is part of German identity.”

Muslimanski lideri u Njemačkoj moraju pomoći u borbi protiv antisemitizma,  rekao je predstavnik  Kršćanske demokratske Unije Angele Merkel,  na sastanku sa glavnim židovskim liderima. U svom izvještaju sa sastanka

CDU je rekao da je jasno da muslimanska udruženja u Njemačkoj  nose  ogovornost za borbu protiv antisemitizma u muslimaskoj populaciji. Treba svaki oblik antisemitizma propitati jer je stanovište Njemačke da Izrael ima pravo na postojanje.

CDU je također izjavio da Josef Schuster koj vodi Centralni koncil ( Židova u Njemačkoj) je zabrinut zbog antisemitizma među mladim Muslimanima i da sada mnogi izbjeglice dolaze u Njemačku iz zemalja koje smatraju Izrael neprijateljem.
