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9.11.2015. 15:37
Prenosimo s a WEB stranice World Jewish Congress

Ronald S. Lauder: 77 years after Kristallnacht
Mon, 09 Nov 2015

Ronald S.Lauder:77 godina nakon "Kristalne noći"

Seventy-seven years ago tonight, the entire world faced one of history’s great moral tests. It failed miserably.  On 9 November 1938, Adolf Hitler set loose the darkest impulses of mankind in a brutal attack that raged across Germany and Austria. It was called Kristallnacht, or Night of the Broken Glass, referring to all the broken glass shimmering in the streets.
Over 1,000 synagogues were burned, the windows of Jewish businesses were smashed and shops looted, individual Jews were rounded up and put into concentration camps. Some 400 were murdered.  Firemen stood idly by just to make sure the fires didn’t spread past the synagogues. The police helped the rioters.

Prije 77 godina ,cijeli svijet je bio suočen sa velikim moralnim testom. I pao je,  jadno, na tom testu. Na 9.studenti 1938. Adolf Hitler je oslobodio najtamnije nagone čovječanstva u brutalnom napadu  širom  Njemačke i Austrije - napadom koji je nazvan " Kristalna noć",  jer se odnosila na razbijena stakla na ulicama , kada je preko 1.000 sinagoga zapaljeno, izlozi židovskih dućana razbijeni,  a pojedini Židovi poslani u koncentracijeske logore - njih 400 je ubijeno. Vatrogasci su stajali bez akcije i samo pazili da se vatra ne proširi, a policija je pomagala razbijače.

U prošle 77 godine su ljudi  pravili  greške smatrajući  da je  "Kristalna noć"  unutrašnja stvar Njemačke. Ali  "Kristalna noć" je više od pogroma protiv Židova u Njemačkoj i Austriji. To je bio zapravo  bio test Hitlera da vidi kako će Zapad odgovoritina progone Židova. A nedostatak odgovora je  vodio u sve što je kasnije slijedilo....

Hitler je uvijek  isprobavao   odgovore  u svijetu  .Kada je  vidio da nema   odgovora   na mjere (u Njemačkoj ) protiv Židova , koje je provodio od 1933. nadalje, on je  poduzeo slijedeći korak . Zakoni  protiv Židova su postali sve stroži,  a u noći 9. studenog 1938.  sve je postalo očito i otvoreno- uništenje europskih Židova je započelo.

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And this was the West’s response: British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, commented: “No doubt Jews are not a loveable people; I don’t care about them myself; - but this is not sufficient to explain the pogrom.” Countries like Holland and France barred their doors to Jewish refugees begging for entry.  President Roosevelt recalled the American ambassador from Berlin for “consultations,” but he would not move against Congress to ease its harsh immigration quotas for Jewish refugees.... 

Today, Germany and Europe are a much better place than they were in 1938. And yet, we see worrying signs again. While its neighbors slaughter hundreds of thousands of their own, we see the growing, visceral hatred of the Jewish state of Israel throughout Europe.

Let’s hope the world does not wait again until it is too late to stop the calamity.