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Novosti News

12.2.2016. 22:35
Zakon o židovskoj imovini donesen u Srbiji

Primili smo slijedeću obavijest od Svjetske organizacije za restituciju (WJRO)

Dear Friends,
WJRO welcomed today’s passage of Serbian legislation that will address heirless and unclaimed Jewish property expropriated during the Holocaust. WJRO played a key role in securing the adoption of the law.
Serbia now becomes one of the first countries in Eastern European or the former Soviet Union to pass a law specifically restituting heirless Jewish Holocaust-era property.

WJRO pozdravlja današnje donošenje srpskog zakon koji se odnosi na židovsku  imovinu bez nasljednika ili koja nije tražena, a bila je oduzeta u vrijeme Holokausta. WJRO je igrala ključnu ulogu u prihvaćanju zakona. Srbija je tako postala prva zemalja u Istočnoj Europi, ili nekadašnjem Sovjetskom Savezu, koja je donijela zakon o restituciji židovske imovine  iz Holokausta.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

This is the first legislation on heirless property passed since Serbia and 46 other countries endorsed the 2009 Terezin Declaration on Holocaust Era Assets and Related Issues, which called for the restitution of heirless Jewish property.  The legislation passed with support across the political spectrum in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The new law will provide urgently needed funds and property to sustain and revitalize Jewish life in Serbia, as well as support Serbian Holocaust survivors living in Serbia and abroad . Passage of the legislation also recognizes the devastation of the Serbian Jewish communities and the wartime murder of tens of thousands of Serbian Jews. Nearly 90 percent of Serbia’s prewar Jewish population was killed in the Holocaust.

This law culminates a two-year campaign by WJRO, in partnership with the Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbia (SAVEZ). WJRO delegations met in February 2014 and May 2015 with high-level government officials in Belgrade, leading to the formation of a government working group to draft the legislation. WJRO and SAVEZ participated in the working group to ensure that the legislation addressed the most critical needs for Serbian Holocaust survivors and the Serbian Jewish community.... 

We look to other countries to follow Serbia’s lead and return heirless Jewish property so that it can help Holocaust survivors in need, commemorate those who died and strengthen Jewish life in these communities where so much was destroyed......

Shabbat Shalom,
Gideon Taylor

Chair of Operations