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Novosti News

25.11.2016. 17:51

UNESCO grants award to Moscow Jewish Museum

UNESCO je nagradio Židovski muzej u Moskvi


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has given the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre in Moscow a distinguished award for its efforts in spreading tolerance and understanding. Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar responded to the award on Wednesday, saying that the Russian government, and President Vladimir Putin in particular, respect the Jewish community and allow them to live a safe life. He went on to say that Russian Jews are far better off compared to the Jews of some other European capitals.

UNESCO je dodijelio značajnu nagradu
Jewish Museum
Tolerance Centre u Moskvi za napore u širenju tolerancije i razumijevanja. Glavni rabin Moskve
Berel Lazar je odgovorio i kazao da ruska vlada i predsjednik Putin  osobito poštuju Židovsku zajednicu i omogućavaju joj siguran život. Kazao je  da  su ruski Židovi  mnogo bolje nego  Židovi u nekim drugim europskim gradovima. Nagrada od dolara je dodijeljena na specijalnoj ceremoniji u Parizu a orimio je predsjednik židovskih zajednica Ruske federacije rabin Alexander  Boroda.

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Putin has exhibited a great deal of interest and warmth toward the Jewish museum, which was partially funded by the Russian government. In the four years since its founding, the Russian president has visited it three times, and during his last visit he announced his desire to donate a portion of his monthly salary to the museum. This in turn prompted other public figures to follow his lead. The museum is also visited by all public schools in the capital despite the fact that the percentage of Jews within Russia’s population remains very low.