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Novosti News

6.1.2017. 16:24
Europski parlament
European Medal of Tolerance 2016 for Martin Schulz

Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the ECTR, said that the medal is being awarded to Schulz in recognition of his commitment to the preservation of the memory of the Shoah and the exceptional leadership in the struggle against the rising wave of ultra-nationalism and hatred in Europe. “The number of hate-motivated crimes and incidents is rising around Europe. Political extremism both inspires and profits from these acts. At this worrying time it is important to send a clear message that political courage and moral leadership is vital for our societies,” Dr. Kantor said.

Dr. Moše Kantor, predsjednik ECTR je kazao da je odlikovanje dodjeljeno Schulzu kao priznanje za zalaganje za očuvanje sjećanja na  Shoa,  te za borbu proziv rastućeg vala  ultranacionalizma i mržnje u Europi.
"Brojni  zločini i incidenti , koji su motivirani mržnjom , su povećani diljem Europe. Politički ekstremisti  su inspirirali ali i imali korist od takvih akcija. U to zabrinjavajuće vrijeme bilo je važno poslati  jasne poruke  da su politička hrabrost i moralno vodstvo vitalni za naše društvo - rekao je dr. Moše Kantor.

Ceremonija dodjele nagrade će biti tokom siječnja. 

dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

“Martin Schulz, the outgoing President of the European Parliament, is a man who throughout his political career has taken an uncompromised stand against xenophobia, intolerance and political extremism in Europe.” “A strong and unified Europe is the greatest barrier against hatred and extremism and even during some very difficult years, economically and politically, President Schulz has remained a voice of reason, sanity and unity.”