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Novosti News

7.1.2017. 12:48
Major Polish groups denied government funding

For the first time in years, Poland did not grant money to two major Jewish community groups as part of its annual allocations for religious minorities.

As part of its annual funding of Polish minority groups, the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration did not allocate any funds for 2017 to the Jewish community of Warsaw nor to the Association of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland, the country's Jewish communal umbrella group. The ministry did allocate a substantially reduced total to several other Jewish groups, well down from that allocated in 2016.

Prvi puta u godini Poljska nije dala "grant" novce za dvije glavne grupe židovskih zajednica kao godišnju potporu za religijske manjine.Ministarstvo je također otkazalo fundiranje Vašavskog židovskog kazališta i Centra za Yiddish kulturu.
Većina  sredstava ove godine za Židovske organizacije je otišlo za  Jewish Social-Cultural Association in Poland, or TSKZ,  za njezine aktivnosti, knjižnicu i stalvljenje židovskih praznika.

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Anna Chipczynska, the president of the Jewish community in Warsaw, said she had yet to receive official notice from the ministry and does not know why the grant funds were refused.

"The allocation of funds is a disappointment among the minorities of our country," Chipczynska said. "We regret the lack of subsidies, which we learned about online."

President Andrzej Duda sent Hanukkah greetings to Polish Jews this year, but did not organise a meeting and candle-lighting ceremony in the presidential palace as he had in previous years. A meeting between Duda and the Jewish community is scheduled to be held in mid-January.