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15.1.2017. 15:46
logor Sobibor
Archaeologists unearth jewelry likely removed from Nazi gas chamber victims

Arhelolozi su otkrili nakit koji je vjerojatno oduzet od žrtava gasnih komora

Archaeologists working at the former Nazi extermination camp Sobibór, have uncovered personal items which they believe were removed by Holocaust victims before they were sent to the gas chambers, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum announced Sunday.The items were found in the location which is believed to be where victims were forced to undress and have their heads shaved before being sent to their death.

Arheolozi, koji su radili u nekadašnjem nacističkom logoru smrti Sobiboru,  su pronašli osobne predmete za koje vjeruju da su  oduzete od žrtava Holokausta prije nego su poslani u gasnu komoru. Te stvari su pronađene na mjestu,  za koje vjeruju,  gdje su žrtve bile prisiljene da se skinu i gdje im se ošišala glava prije nego su poslani u smrt. To su otjrili poljski arheolog  Wojciech Mazurek, Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Yoram Haimi i nizozemski suradnik   Ivar Schute.

Jewellery unearthed by archaeologists at Sobibor that was likely removed by Nazi gas chamber victims? (Yoram Haimi/IAA)

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

The remains of the building dug up by the archaeologists are located on the so-called "Road to Heaven," the path along which Jewish victims were forced to tread to the gas chambers. The personal items found in the foundations of the building probably fell through the floorboards and remained buried in the ground until they were discovered this past fall.

The items found include a Star of David necklace, a woman's watch and a metal charm covered in glass with an etching of the image of Moses holding the Ten Commandments; on the reverse side of the charm is the inscription of the Jewish prayer the "Shema." A unique pendant has particularly drawn attention, bearing a close resemblance to one owned by author and Holocaust victim Anne Frank....  

Professor Havi Dreifuss, Head of the Center for the Research on the Holocaust in Poland at Yad Vashem's International Institute for Holocaust Research said, "These recent findings from the excavations at Sobibór constitute an important contribution to the documentation and commemoration of the Holocaust....