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11.2.2017. 21:01
History of Helsinki's Jewish sports club chosen as Book of the Year in Finland

The Sports Museum of Finland has chosen as the country’s 2016 Sports Book of the Year a book published by Makkabi Helsinki in honour of its 110th anniversary.The book is titled, "Makkabi Helsinki - The History of Helsinki's Jewish Sports Club".The visually rich and impressive volume opens up more than merely a sport club's history, rather it forms a gateway to the evolution of the entire Jewish Community in Finland. 

Muzej sporta je za knjigu godine  u Finskoj  izabrao knjigu koju je štampao Makabi Helsinki, povodom svoje  110-godišnjice. Naslov knjige je "Makabi Helsinki- povijest helsinskog židovskog sportskog kluba". Knjiga je vizualno lijepo opremljena i nudi ne samo povijest sportskog kluba  već je neka vrsta vodiča kroz cijeli razvoje židovske zajednice u Finskoj. Autori knjige su 
 Rony Smolar and Adiel Hirschovits. Smolar je  finski židovski novinar koji je 2003. napisao knjigu "Uncle Stiller in the Shadows of the National Police deals"  o sudbini  finskih Židova u ratu 1939-1945.

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Makkabi Helsinki is the world's oldest continuously functioning Jewish sports club. The club has had an important significance both to the Jewish community and to Finnish sports. The book tells the story of the 110 year old club from the early 20th century to modern times. ..Today Makkabi Helsinki is an active sports club with sports from squash to yoga and an institution that cooperates with the Jewish School in Helsinki to spread the joy of sports.