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Novosti News

14.3.2017. 21:53
Swiss Jews call on government for more serious measures to combat antisemitism 

Švicarski Židovi su pozvali vladu da  donese strože mjere za borbu protiv antisemitizma  

Swiss Jews have welcomed a report by the federal government into fighting antisemitism but have called for more practical measures providing security for the community. The report by the Department of Interior notes that Switzerland does not possess the necessary legal possibilities for additional security measures at the national level.

Švicarski Židovi su pozdravili izvještaj federalne vlade o borbi protiv antisemitizma ali traže praktičnije mjere za sigurnost zajednice. U zajedničkoj izjavi   Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities i  the Platform of  Liberal Jews in Switzerland su tražile na nacionalnom nivou zaštitne mjere za Židovsku zajednicu, jer je bilo predloženo da same zajednice osnuju fond kojim će se plaćati osiguranje, a ne država.