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Novosti News

13.10.2017. 0:31

German Jews cut ties to local Turkish group because of antisemitism

Njemački Židovi su prekinuli  veze sa lokalnim Turskim grupama zbog antisemitizma

The Jewish community of Mannheim in Germany broke off talks and exchanges with the Turkish Ditib religious association because its headquarters in Ankara spreads antisemitism, the Mannheimer Morgen newspaper reported on Thursday.
The small Jewish community (478 members) in the state of Baden-Württemberg agreed to end exchanges with the Ditib in a nearly unanimous resolution vote at its membership meeting. That means not accepting invitations from the Muslim group and not extending invitations to Ditib.

Židovska zajednica u  Mannheimu je prekinula razgovore i razmjene sa Turskom  religioznom organizacijom " Ditib"  zbog antisemitizma kojeg širi  njihova centrala u Ankari. 

Mala Židovska zajednica,  od 478 člana,  u  Baden-Württembergu  se složila sa prekidom s Ditibom te glasala da neće prhvaćati  njihove pozive niti im slati pozive.

Na  WEB stranicama Ditiba (2015) bili su uvredljivi komentari o Židovima ( “The Jews are cruel and malicious,” “The Jews are stingy,” “[The Jews] lie and cheat,” “Jews violate contracts and promises,” and “They [the Jews] falsified the Torah.”) a imali su anti-kršćanske  poglede.

Ditib ogranak u Cologne  je izrazio žaljenje  zbog odluke o prekidu  i dodao da oni osuđuju antisemitizam.