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21.11.2017. 16:24

Morocco receives 43,000 documents from France about Moroccan Jews

Morocco retrieved more than 43,000 archival documents from France regarding Moroccan Jews. The documents were received under an agreement signed by the Moroccan Archives Foundation in Rabat, with high-level French officials.
The head of the Moroccan Archives Foundation, Jamea Beida, said the handing over of an archive that embraces the memory of Moroccan Jews was the result of attempts since February 2013.
“The issue of Moroccan Jews has always been sensitive,” he told Anadolu, adding that the documents will help fill a big gap for Moroccan researchers.

Maroko je primio od Francuske više od 43.000 arhivskih dokumenata koji se odnose na marokanske Židove. Dokumenti su predani na osnovi sporazuma koji je potpisan od  marokanske  " Archives Foundation" u Rabatu  s visokim francuskim predstavnicima. Voditelj Fundacije Jamea Beida je rekao, primajući arhiv,  to je  sjećanje na marokanske Židove rezultat napora još od veljače 2013. "Pitanje marokanskih Židova je uvijek bilo senzitivno i ovi dokumenti će pomoći marokanskim istražiteljima". 

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King of Morocco attends Casablanca synagogue inauguration

King Mohammed VI of Morocco attended the inauguration of the Ettedgui Synagogue and the adjacent El Mellah Museum in Casablanca following their rehabilitation last Friday. Serge Berdugo, Secretary-General of the Council of Moroccan Jewish Communities,  told  that the restoration of the synagogue and the museum, “where are exhibited paintings retracing the history of Judaism in Morocco, will also preserve the authentic Moroccan identity.” “The synagogue and museum’s restoration display the King’s commitment to conserving spaces of cultural dialogue and coexistence,” Berdugo added.

Kralj  Maroka Mohammed VI je prisustvovao inaguraciji  u    Ettedgui Synagogue i  El Mellah Muzeju u Casablanci,   prilikom njene rehabilitacije. Serge Berdugo, generalni sekretar  "Council of Moroccan Jewish Communities"  je rekao da će  obnovljena  sinagoga i muzej ,  koji predstavljaju  sliku o judaizmu u Maroku, sačuvati autentični marokanski identitet. Obnova tih objekata pokazuje  kraljevsku privrženost  za kulturni dijalog i koegzistenciju.