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Novosti News

30.1.2018. 9:04
Thousands of neo-Nazis rally in Rome

Thousands of neo-Nazis performed fascist salutes at an event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the murder of three young nationalists in Rome. Extremists raise their hands in the straight-arm salute three times as a chilling show of respect to the men, who were gunned down on January 7, 1978.The three murdered in the attack, known as the Acca Larentia killings, were members of the fascist Italian Social Movement.

Tisuće neonacista je izvodilo fašističke pozdrave na  komemoraciji 40-godišnjice od ubistva tri mlada nacionalista u Rimu. Ekstremisti su  desnu ruku dizali na pozdrav,  tri puta , kao poštovanje čovjeku ustreljenom 7. siječnja 1978. Tri ubijena u napadu,  poznatom kao " Acca Larentia killings" , su bili članovi fašističkog talijanskog socijalnog pokreta.

Marš u nedjelju vodio je neofašistički, anti-migrantski pokret "CasaPound"