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Novosti News

21.7.2018. 17:18

A ceremony took place on Tuesday to mark the 76th anniversary of the round-up of 4,000 Jewish children in Paris in 1942. The ceremony is part of commemorations for the Vel d’Hiv round up where some 13,000 Jews were hereded into a bicycle stadium in central Paris before deportation to the Nazi death camps.
The ceremony took place at the Garden Memorial of the Children of Vel d’Hiv in Paris’s 15th district.

U Parizu je održana ceremonija  kojom se obilježava 76- godišnjica od kada se  zatočilo 4.000 židovske djece. Ta je ceremonija dio komemoracije za 13.000 Židova koji su na "Vel'dHiv"  zatočeni na biciklističkom stadionu u centru Pariza,  prije nego ih se poslalo  u nacističke logore smrti. Ceremonija je održana uz prisustvo gradonačelnika  i Serge Klarsfeld-a , predsjednika organizacije "the Sons and Daughters of Jewish Deportees".