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20.11.2018. 16:09
Jerusalem Postb Diasporab 
By Jeremy Sharon / November 20, 2018  

Poll: European Jewish leaders won't emigrate despite rising antisemitism

In a historic reversal, security concerns for European Jews are higher in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe. 
Istraživanje: Židovski lideri u Europi neće emigrirati uprkos povećanju antisemitizma. U povijesnom obratu, brige o sigurnosti su veće u Zapadnoj Europi nego u Istočnoj Europi.

The study, conducted by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s International Center for Community Development (JDC-ICCD), demonstrated that despite anxiety about antisemitism and terrorism, the large majority of European Jewish leaders believe that the countries they live in are safe, and that internal communal issues such as engagement in Jewish life and demographic concerns are more serious threats to Jewish life than security concerns 

Studije,  koje je proveo JDC -ICCD ( Internacionalni centar za razvoj JDC-a) su pokazale da,   uprkos straha od antisemitizma i terorizma,  većina židovskih lidera Europe vjeruje da su zemlje u kojima žive sigurne.  Oni  smatraju da se veća prijetnja za židovski život nalazi u samim organizacijama ( učešće u "židovskom životu" i demografske promjene)  nego što je briga za sigurnost.  To su  četvrte takve studije (2008,2011,2015,2018) i u njima je učestvovalo 893 ispitanika iz 29 zemalja na 10 jezika.Ispitani su židovski lideri širom Europe kao  što su  vođe židovskih organizacija, rabini, voditelji židovskih škola, edukatori, mladi aktivisti, voditelji medija, intelektualci, akademici itd.


Infographic on European Jewish antisemitism.. (photo credit: 

83% ispitanika se osjeća sigurno ili  gotovo sigurno,  a 17% se uopće ne osjeća sigurno. Iako su još visoke, ove brojke predstavljaju smanjenje u odnosu na prvu anketu 2008. kada se 92% ispitanih osjećalo sigurno. Taj opći osjećaj sigurnosti se osniva na percepciji  opasnosti za židovski život na kontinentu kao što su:  alijenacija od "židovskog života",  demografsko smanjenje, nedovoljno angažmana u zajednicama , slabijoj organiziranosti   i manjem poznavanju judaizma. Te su pretnje važnije za ispitanike od prijetnji terorizmom  i napadima  na Židove i od antisemitizma.

Despite this, the Jewish leaders polled said that while strengthening Jewish education remains their first priority, as it has been since 2008, combating antisemitism was third in their priorities for the first time.  By comparison, concern regarding intermarriage has steeply declined from 2008 when 64% of respondents said it was a serious problem compared to just 40% in 2018. ..

There was, however, a significant regional split in the perception of security and safety concerns between Jewish leaders in Western and Eastern Europe, with 63% of those in the West ranking antisemitism as a serious threat compared to 38% in the East, and 47% of Westerners ranking terrorism and violence against Jews as a serious threat compared to just 22% of Easterners.

Indeed, whereas 96% of those in the East felt safe in their city, only 76% of those in the West did, while almost one in four from Western Europe (24%) felt unsafe in their city in contrast to only 4% of those in the East.....

The study demonstrated widespread support for Israel, with 83% of respondents agreeing that: “All Jews have a responsibility to support Israel" - the highest figure since the first poll in 2008 - and 84% also said that Israel is critical in sustaining Jewish life in Europe.