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3.12.2018. 21:56
Internacionalni dan invalida
Jerusalem Postb
Israel Newsb

International Day for People with Disabilities: Where Israel stands

"According to the statistics, there is still a long way to go in order to achieve full equality for people with disabilities within Israeli society."

By JERUSALEM POST STAFF , December 3, 2018 

Disabled Israelis protest outside the Knesset, October 2017. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Israel is working toward greater integration of the more than one million disabled citizens, The Commission for Equal Rights for People with Disabilities said on Monday.In Israel there are about 1.5 million people with disability, composing about 18% of the population. Among the population, 790,000 are working-age and and 500,000 are above 65 years old. The incidence of disability increases with age—9% of the children are disabled, compared to 51% of those aged 65 and more. 

Izrael radi na boljoj integraciji više od milijun invalida, izjavila je "Komisija za jednaka prava osoba sa invaliditetom". U Izraelu ima oko 1,5 milijuna osoba sa invaliditetom što predstavlja oko 18 % populacije. Među njima je 790.000 osoba u "radno-sposobnoj" dobi,  a 500.000 je starije od 65 godina. Povećava se incidencija sa starošću. Tako ima  9%  kod djece  a  51% kod osoba starijih od 65 godina.Prema tipu invaliditeta 42% imaju poteškoće sa hodanjem, 13% sa memorijom i koncentracijom, 8% sa vidom,  a 8% sa sluhom....

Invalidne osobe se često susreću s barijeramna kao što su diskriminacija, stigmatizacija i manjak mogućnosti , što im otežava ulazak u tržište rada. Imaju i poteškoće integracije u školski sistem, a  povećava se broj djece koja pohađaju specijalne škole. 

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

The Equal Rights Commission for People with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice is responsible for the implementation of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities (Law 5758-1998) and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified in 2012.