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Novosti News

19.3.2019. 9:29
On November 2018, Dr. Yair Maimon was chosen to present his 20-year research on the effects of traditional Chinese botanical formulas on cancer at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. In front of representative from 90 countries, Maimon presented a summary of his research into one botanical formula, whose scientific name is LCS101, and its effect on cancer care.

U studenom 2018 Dr Yair Maimon je izabran da,   pred UNESCOM u Parizu,  predstavi svoje dvadesetgodišnje istraživanja o utjecaju tradicionalne kineske botaničke formule na  bolest raka. Pred predstavnicima iz 90 zemalja on je  predstavio zaključke svojeg istraživanja botaničke formule ( ime  LCS101) i njenog efekta na liječenje raka. Nekada je radio u Ischilov Hospital u Tel Avivu, a danas je voditelj   " Tal Integrative Cancer Research Center, Oncology Department of Sheba Medical Center".   Taj centar je ustanovljen kako bi dao odgovor  kako da  vrednujemo djelovanje prirodne medicine, osobito herbalne i botaničke,  i kako  da je integriramo u modernu praksu....

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

What were the highlights and unexpected findings of your research?

I can sum it up in three areas: protection from side effects of conventional cancer treatments, effect on the immune system and “selective killing effect” on cancer cells.