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18.6.2019. 21:57
Konferencija u Bukureštu

Jewish communities’ needs in Bucharest summit
The representatives of over 30 governments and 50 Jewish communities gathered in the Romanian city for the meeting. 

June 18, 2019 18:33     

Romanian Prime Minister and EU Council President Viorica Dăncilă . (photo credit: SHAHAR AZRAN / WJC) 

The Council of the European Union reaffirmed its commitment to contributing and supporting initiatives directed at tackling the challenges facing Jewish communities, in a special summit held in Bucharest on Tuesday. The representatives of over 30 governments and 50 Jewish communities gathered in the Romanian capital for the meeting, which was organized by World Jewish Congress, Romanian Prime Minister and EU Council President Viorica Dăncilă, and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania.

Europska Unija ( Council) je  na specijalnom Samitu u  utorak, u Bukureštu potvrdila svoju namjeru da podupre inicijativu  koja se odnosi na "izazove"  s kojima se susreću židovske zajednice .Predstavnici 30 vlada i 50 židovskih zajednica su se satali uglavnom gradu Rummunjske  na sastanku koji je organizirao Svjetski Židovski Kongres, premijer Rumunjske i Predsjednik Europskog vijeća    Viorica Dăncilă, i Feredacija židovskih  zajednica Rumunjske.

Završna EU deklaracija je identificirala,  kao relevantna,  četiri područja: Sigurnost židovskih zajednica, Praćenje kriminala vezanog uz mržnju, Sjećanje na Holokaust i Promociju definicije antisemitizma koji je donijela   International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance....

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“During its rotational presidency, the Romanian government has set as an essential objective the promotion of the effective fight against racism, intolerance, xenophobia, populism, antisemitism and discouraging discourse of hate,” Romanian PM Dăncilă said according to a statement released on Tuesday.

 WJC CEO Singer noted, addressing the participants.

“The significance of such a conference cannot be understated. We have now met, and gotten to know each other, and see that we share the same values and the same commitments. We know that your governments care about these challenges. Let us always remember, it is less important who stands against you. What is important is who stands with you,” he added.