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30.6.2019. 11:35
Monument to Paris to Paris 
Monument to Paris Holocaust victims


A monument to the child victims from the Vel D’Hiv round-up of 1942 from which Jews were sent to the Nazi death camps was vandalised in Paris.

The monument in the Children’s Memorial Garden in Paris’ 15th district was daubed in black felt tip with antisemitic statements and numbers. These included the number 4,115, representing the number of children killed in the Nazi death camps emanating from the round-up as well as the word “extermination” and other phrases.

Vandaliziran je Spomenik  žrtvama djece  koja su na Vel D'Hiver-u zatočena i poslana 1942. u nacističke logore smrti . Taj se spomenik  nalazi u 15. pariškom distriktu i obojen je crno sa antisemitskim napisima koji uključuju brojku 4.115 ,koliko je djece poslano u logore,  kao i riječ "eksterminacija" i druge.