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29.9.2019. 11:29



Rosh Hashanah message by Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission

Friday, September 27, 2019

ON behalf of the European Commission, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all Jewish Europeans, their friends and families, and Jews around the world when you welcome the year 5780. May you celebrate Erev Rosh Hashana surrounded by your loved ones and enjoy blessed High Holidays. The enduring traditions of Rosh Hashanah remind us of the deep values of Judaism and allow us to celebrate its remarkable heritage and contribution to our continent. Europe would be different without Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein or Simone Veil, while Judaism would be poorer without Maimonides or Raschi, Theodor Herzl or Golda Meir.

Frans Timmeman, prvi potpredsjednik Europske komisije šalje Novogodišnju čestitku : 

U ime Europske Komisije želim izraziti moje najtoplije  čestitke svim Židovima u Europi, njihovim prijateljima i obiteljima kao i Židovima širom svijeta kada dočekuju  Novu Godinu 5780. Slavite Erev Rosh Hashana okruženi  onima koje volite i uživajte u blagoslovu velikog praznika. Tradicija održavanja Rosh Hashana nas podsjeća na vrijednosti Judaizma i mogućnost  da imamo njegovo nasljeđe i doprinose našem kontinentu. Europa bi bila drugačija bez Sigmund Freuda,  Alberta Einstein ili  Simone Veil, dok bi Judaizam bio siromašniji bez  Maimonidesa ili Raschija, Theodora Herzla ili  Golde Meir....

dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

..The coming year will remind us of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Shoah and the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau which I visited earlier this year on Holocaust Memorial Day...

Most importantly, we have to cherish, nourish, and defend our democracies. We know that where extremism flourishes, the poison of antisemitism is not far away. Based on our own terrible history of the Shoah we have a special responsibility to tackle it wherever it rears its head.

 I am glad we were able to bring the topic of antisemitism to the informal plenary of the UN General Assembly, acknowledging that antisemitism and hatred must be fought around the world...