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2.10.2019. 21:25
Israeli scientists: Cure for insulin-dependent diabetics within five years

“This is a new way to treat diabetes,” said CEO Dr. Nikolai Kunicher.

By Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman  October 2, 2019

A team of Jerusalem-based researchers and entrepreneurs claim they have a cure for diabetes that could hit the market as early as within the next few years.  Betalin Therapeutics has developed the first bio-artificial pancreas, composed of pig’s lung tissue and insulin secreting cells. The artificial pancreas would be implanted into the patient and connect with his or her blood vessels and then be able to measure the body’s sugar level and secrete an optimal amount of insulin needed to balance blood sugar. 

Istraživački tim iz Jeruzalema,  zajedno sa ustanovama  tvrdi da ima lijek za dijabetes koji će se  na tržištu pojaviti u roku  slijedećih pet godina. " Betalin Therapeutics"  je razvio prvi biološki umjetni pankreas., koji se sastoji od plućnog tkiva (svinje) i stanica koje izlučuju inzulin. Takav umjetni pankreas će se implantirati u pacijenta i spojiti s njegovim krvnim žilama..Tako će se moći mjeriti nivo šećera u tijelu i izlučivati optimalna količina inzulina potrebna da se uspostavi  ravnoteža šećera u krvi.

“This is a new way to treat diabetes,” said CEO Dr. Nikolai Kunicher. “Today, you only have ways to manage the disease. This is a cure. The diabetic pancreas has lost the function of secreting insulin and we give it back. The patient should never have to inject insulin into his body again.”

To je novi način da se liječi dijabetes, rekao je dr. Nikolai   Kunicher.   (CEO) "Danas se može  dijabetes  liječiti samo kao bolest. Pankreas je kod dijabetičara izgubio sposobnost lučenja inzulina a mi mu  našom metodom vraćamo tu sposobnost tako da pacijent nikada više neće trebati primati  injekcije   inzulina u  tijelo.

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Kunicher and his team have completed animal trials. Human clinical trials are slated to launch within a year. But animal trials don’t always translate to humans because of species differences....

Anyone who uses insulin would be eligible for the Betalin cure.

 According to the World Health Organization, 500-million people worldwide suffer from Type I or Type II diabetes. Some 160 million are insulin dependent, according to Kunicher.. Numerous treatments for diabetes are available and vary depending on an individual patient’s needs. Insulin-dependent diabetics generally take insulin by injection or by using a pump. There are also oral diabetes medications.