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Novosti News

25.12.2019. 8:45
WARSAW, Poland (JTA) — Authorities in the Polish city of Szczecin declined to put in place memorial stones ( Stolperstein)   commemorating Jews murdered during World War II because the country’s Institute of National Remembrance feared visitors to the city might think the perpetrators of the crimes were Poles.

Vlasti u poljskom gradu Szczecinu su odbile postavljanje memorijalnih pločica koje komemoriraju  Židove ubijene u II. svjetskom ratu,  jer  "Institute of National Remembrance " smatra da bi posjetioci gradu mogli pomisliti da su zločine počinili Poljaci.

Dalje čitajte u originalu:

“The Institute of National Remembrance carries out activities aimed at preventing the dissemination in Poland and abroad of information and publications with untrue historical content that harms or defames the Republic of Poland or the Polish nation and that is why it cannot agree to disregard this key fact,” said the letter signed by Bondar.