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17.4.2020. 9:50
Yom HaShoah
Yom HaShoah

Yom HaShoah 

Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah iii    Dan sjećanja na Holokaust je dan kada komemoriramo 6 milijuna Židova koji su bili žrtve Holokausta.

U Izraelu je to nacionalni dan sjećanja koji je ustanovljen ( Ben-Gurion) 1953. godine  i održava se 27 Nisana .

U 2020. godini  Yom HaShoah počinje  navečer 20 travnja. 

U Hrvatskoj se na Dan sjećanja na Holokaust organizira komemoracija na Mirogoju kod spomenika Mojsiju, no to će ove godine  biti organizirano u skladu s prilikama i mjerama za  sprečavanje epidemije


Poruka Europskog Židovskog kongresa

As measures to curb the coronavirus around the world keep people isolated in their homes, Jews are still able to commemorate the Holocaust together on Holocaust Remembrance Day as the social initiative project “Zikaron BaSalon” is now holding events online via  Zoom.

“This year, even more than ever, we will mark Holocaust days and the heroes at home, in our private living rooms together with family members,” said project founder Adi Altschuler....

“It is the personal responsibility of all of us to commemorate the Holocaust Remembrance Day along with its heroes, listen to the testimonies and stories, in every way possible, even in today’s reality – despite the coronavirus, so we will never forget,” said Altschuler.

mirogoj 2018