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Novosti News

28.8.2020. 11:44
antisemitizam 2019
Tel Aviv  – Dr. Moshe Kantor , President of the European Jewish Congress (EJC), said today that already in the first few months since the global breakout of the Coronavirus, there has been a rise in antisemitic manifestations relating to the spread of the disease and the economic recession triggered by the pandemic.

Dr. Moše Kantor ,predsjednik Europskog Židovskog kongresa je kazao da su već u prvim mjesecima nakon izbijanja globane zaraze Corona virusom ,  porasle   antisemitske manifestacije  koje su vezane za širenje bolesti i ekonomsku recesiju izazvanu pandemijom. Dr. Kantor je održao govor prilikom podnošenja godišnjeg izvještaja o  Antisemitizmu u 2019. godini u "Kantor centru" u Tel Avivu.

dalje pročitajte u originalnom članku:

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant rise in accusations that Jews, as individuals and as a collective, are behind the spread of the virus or are directly profiting from it,” Dr. Kantor said. “The language and imagery used clearly identifies a revival of the medieval ‘blood libels’ when Jews were accused of spreading disease, poisoning wells or controlling economies.”...      

“With the increased use of social media, especially in places where direct social contact is more and more suppressed, easy solutions will be spread that involve conspiracy theories and hate, providing simplistic answers for the growing anxiety among of the general public.”

Referring to the statistics compiled by the Kantor Center, Dr. Kantor noted that in 2019 we saw a dramatic rise of 18% in antisemitic incidents, whether violent, verbal or visual, continuing the steady rise of antisemitism of the last few years.

The total number of severe and violent incidents monitored worldwide in 2019 was 456, compared to 387 incidents in 2018.

The number of persons physically attacked also rose in 2019 by almost 30 (a rise of 22%), life-endangering threats by 40 (an increase of 47%), and an additional 25 private properties were damaged (a 24% rise). Additionally, seven Jews were killed in antisemitic incidents last year.

“Not only have the numbers increased substantially but the worst types of attacks grew, which should be extremely disturbing for leaders and authorities around the world,” Dr. Kantor added.