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2.2.2021. 7:37
yad Vashem
Sa WEB stranice Yad Vashema:

New online exhibition "My Lost Childhood"

Visit a new online exhibition "My Lost Childhood" - Children's Homes for Holocaust Survivors telling the story of seven children's homes established after the war for child Holocaust survivors in Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Germany and France. The children were gathered and placed there in an endeavor to rehabilitate them, return them to their people and religion, and to restore their childhood and youth after the horrors they had endured. Most immigrated to the Land of Israel, others were reunited with relatives and immigrated to the United States, Latin America, Canada and other destinations. The smiling faces looking out at us from the children's home photographs displayed here inspire joy and hope, but mask profound depths of pain, trauma and grief. Click here to learn more.

Posjetite novu online izložbu " Moje izgubljeno djetinjstvo- Dječji domovi Holokaust preživjelih".To je  priča o sedam  dječjih domova koji su osnovani nakon rata za djecu  preživjelu u Poljskoj, Mađarskoj, Nizozemskoj, Njemačkoj i Francuskoj. Djeca su sakupljena i poslana tamo kako bi se rehabilitirala i vratila svojim ljudima i religiji,  a i da im se ponovno vrati njihovo djetinjstvo i mladost nakon  užasa kroz koje su prošli. Mnogi su imigrirali u Israel, neki ujedinili sa rođacima ili emigrirali u USA, Latinsku Ameriku, Kanadu i druga mjesta.

Nasmiješena lica s njihovih fotografija pokazivala su njihovu radost i nadu , ali su ipak maskirala duboki bol, traumu i tugu.

Special Lecture: Jewish Children during the Holocaust

During the Holocaust, Jewish children endured a radical disruption to their young and innocent lives. Many suffered the devastating loss of one or both parents, members of their families and friends. Almost all experienced severe deprivation, particularly hunger and physical abuse. They were forced to witness and often endure extreme cruelty and violence. Tragically, Jewish children had very low chances for survival. Together with the elderly, they were usually the first victims of the Nazi’s murderous policy. This special lecture will focus on the challenges that Jewish children faced during the war, predominantly in the ghettos of Europe and in hiding, and their responses to their devastating reality. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen on Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 8:00 PM Israel Time; 6:00 PM UK Time; 1:00 PM EST. Click here to register.

U vrijeme  Holokausta su židovska djeca prošla kroz radikalni prekid svog mladog i nevinog života. Mnogi su prošli kroz tragični gubitak jednog ili oba roditelja, članova obitelji i prijatelja. Gotovo sva su osjetila poteškoće osobito glad i fizičke povrede. Oni su bili prisiljeni da svjedoče i prolaze kroz ekstremne  okrutnost  i napade. Tragično, djeca su imala vrlo malo prilika da prežive. Zajedno s roditeljima ona su obično bila prve žrtve nacističke politike ubijanja. 

Ovo predavanje će se  fokusirati na izazove s kojima su se židovska djeca susrela u toku rata, osobito u getima Europe i u vrijeme sakrivanja,   te na njihov odgovor da strašnu realnost. Predavanje je održala dr. Sharoon Kangisser Cohen 31.siaječnja 2021.