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Novosti News

16.9.2021. 9:30
yad Vashem
EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor congratulated Dani Dayan on his appointment as Chairman of Yad Vashem.

Predsjednik Europskog Židovskog kongresa je čestitao Dani Dayanu na imenovanju za voditelja Yad Vashema

“On behalf of the European Jewish Congress, the representative organization of European Jewish communities, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as Chairman of Yad Vashem.” Dr. Kantor said.

“Holocaust memory, education and commemoration continue to be essential, now more than ever especially as the last survivors and physical witnesses of the Shoah begin to dwindle.  With growing antisemitism and increasing Holocaust denial it is vital that we lead efforts to educate and inform and ensure that the memory of the Holocaust is maintained,” he added...

“We look forward to collaborating with Yad Vashem under your chairmanship on future initiatives.”

"U ime Europskog židovskog kongresa, želim vam od srca čestitati na imenovanju za predsjednika Yad Vashema." Rekao je dr. Kantor.

"Sjećanje na holokaust, obrazovanje i komemoracija i dalje su bitni, sada više nego ikad, pogotovo kad posljednji preživjeli i  svjedoci Shoah počinju nestajati.  S rastućim antisemitizmom i povećanjem poricanja holokausta od vitalnog je značaja da vodimo napore na obrazovanju, informiranju i osiguravanju očuvanja sjećanja na holokaust", dodao je...

"Radujemo se suradnji s Yad Vashemom pod vašim predsjedanjem na budućim inicijativama."