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8.5.2022. 11:34
French President Macron on Israel’s Independence Day: ‘You know my deep attachment to Israel’

“Israel’s security is at the heart of our partnership,” he said in a video message.

“You can count on me to strengthen France’s ties with Israel it at all levels, including the European level. First and foremost, in our common fight against the terrorism that has once again hit you so hard.

On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the State of Israel, French President Emmanuel Macron sent his greetings to the nation on Thursday, stressing his “deep attachment to Israel.”..

“You can count on me to strengthen it at all levels, including the European level. First and foremost, in our common fight against the terrorism that has once again hit you so hard,” he continued.

“The security of Israel is at the heart of our partnership. In view of the renewed tensions in Jerusalem in recent weeks, I would like to welcome the efforts made to avoid an escalation. I also want to commend the commitment of Israel and our Arab partners who gave birth to the Abraham Accords. They contribute to stability and peace. They must be strengthened and expanded,” the French President,who was reelected for a second term two weeks ago, added.

In his final remarks the, President Macron stated that “the fight against anti-Semitism is and will remain for me an absolute priority. Today it is still manifesting itself, in France as in too many countries. It is a situation that we will never accept, because when you attack the Jews, you attack the Republic, you attack France.”


Francuski predsjednik Macron na Dan neovisnosti Izraela: 'Znate moju duboku privrženost Izraelu'  "Sigurnost Izraela je u srcu našeg partnerstva", rekao je u video poruci.  “Možete računati na mene da ću ojačati veze Francuske s Izraelom na svim razinama, uključujući europsku. Prije svega, u našoj zajedničkoj borbi protiv terorizma koji vas je ponovno tako teško pogodio.”....

“Sigurnost Izraela je u središtu našeg partnerstva. S obzirom na obnovljene napetosti u Jeruzalemu posljednjih tjedana, želio bih pozdraviti napore uložene da se izbjegne eskalacija. Također želim pohvaliti predanost Izraela i naših arapskih partnera koji su doveli doAbrahamovog sporazuma. Oni doprinose stabilnosti imiru. Moraju se ojačati i proširiti”

U završnoj riječi, predsjednik Macron je izjavio da je “borba protiv antisemitizma za mene i ostat će apsolutni prioritet. Danas se to još uvijek manifestira, u Francuskoj kao iu mnogim zemljama. To je situacija koju nikada nećemo prihvatiti, jer kada napadate Židove, napadate Republiku, napadate Francusku.”