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4.6.2022. 10:21
Lab-generated sperm created at Israeli university

Researchers at Ben-Gurion Univeristy built a 3D model and tested it on young mice. After 5-7 weeks, sperm cells in the process of developing were discovered.

By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: JUNE 2, 2022 

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers have developed a means of creating sperm cells in a laboratory – marking a potential breakthrough in the fields of fertility and reproductive science.

How did they do it, and what did they find?

The BGU research, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Biofabrication, had researchers develop a procedure for culturing testicular cells in an environment that closely resembled a natural one.

Located in Beer Sheba, BGU is renowned for its research departments across medical and scientific fields.
Researchers built a 3D model and tested it on young mice who were not yet capable of producing sperm – and after 5-7 weeks, sperm cells in the process of developing were discovered in the model, marking the success of the experiment.

“This system may also serve as an innovative platform for examining the effect of drugs and toxins on male fertility"

 Prof. Mahmoud Huleihel from BGU's Faculty of Health Sciences. "It enables the implementation of microfluidic-based technologies in future therapeutic strategies for infertile men and in the preservation of fertility for children undergoing aggressive chemotherapy/radiotherapy treatments that may impair their fertility in puberty.”


Laboratorijski generirana sperma stvorena  je na izraelskom sveučilištu

Istraživači sa Sveučilišta Ben-Gurion napravili su 3D model i testirali ga na mladim miševima. Nakon 5-7 tjedana otkriveni su stanice  spermija u procesu razvoja.

Istraživači sa Sveučilišta Ben-Gurion u Negevu (BGU) razvili metodu za stvaranje spermija u laboratoriju – znači potencijalni napredak  u područjima plodnosti i reproduktivne znanosti.

Istraživanje BGU, koje je objavljeno u recenziranom časopisu Biofabrication, pokazalo je da su istraživači da razvili postupak za uzgoj stanica testisa ns podlozi (okruženju)  koje je vrlo nalik prirodnom.  Istraživači su napravili 3D model i testirali ga na mladim miševima koji još nisu bili sposobni proizvoditi spermu, Nakon 5-7 tjedana  su otkrivene stanice spermija u procesu razvoja, što je značilo uspjeh eksperimenta.

"Ovaj sustav može poslužiti i  kao osnova za ispitivanje učinka lijekova i toksina na plodnost muškaraca"

Mahmoud Huleihel, (Fakultet zdravstvenih znanosti BGU-a) je kazao: 

"Ova studija otvara novi horizont u procesu stvaranja spermija u kulturi" i  omogućuje implementaciju tehnologija temeljenih na mikrofluidima u budućim terapijskim strategijama za neplodne muškarce i u očuvanju plodnosti za djecu koja su podvrgnuta agresivnim kemoterapijskim/radioterapijskim tretmanima koji mogu narušiti njihovu plodnost u pubertetu."