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15.6.2022. 10:59
Židovske žene Europe
Primili smo poziv od Alice Vesele ( Prag) nove predsjednice ICJW 

Dear ladies,

I, as your new chair for Europe would like to invite you to the first zoom meeting in the new quarter.

I would like to meet with presidents of all ICJW European affiliates on Sunday, June 19 at 6 pm Central European Time.

In addition to the chairpersons, I cordially also invite some rare and experienced members, whom I respect very much and from whom I have a lot to learn.... 

I'll be looking forward to all of you!


Alice Gruenfeld Vesela I CJW Prague

U  ICJW časopisu "Links" (2021) se nalaze i vijesti iz Hrvatske:


 In last year's newsletter we reported on the disastrous earthquake that struck Zagreb during the COVID lockdown. Melita Švob from the Union of Jewish Women in Croatia reports that their community buildings were damaged and are still unusable, including their old age home and kindergarten, and they have been working to help members whose homes were destroyed or damaged. 

The pandemic hit their country particularly hard,  so people stayed at home and established a strong communication network and website to keep people connected. Now most of the elderly population is vaccinated and they have kept their social support programs running. Melita even organized Zoom gymnastics classes! She also managed to publish a book ...

Unija židovskih žena Hrvatske osnovana je odmah nakon raspada Jugoslavije u kojoj su židovske žene iz Hrvatske bile učlanjene u Koordinaciju ženskih sekcija u Beogradu. 

Unija je odmah prihvaćena kao članica  International Council of Jewish women  ICJW koja je  cijelo vrijeme domovinskog rata, pa i poraća,  širila istinu i podržavala Hrvatsku i pomagala donacijama,  lijekovima,  te  poklonima za   stanare našeg Doma kojega su iz ICJW   posjećivale nekoliko puta. 

Predsjednica Unije Židovskih žena Hrvatske dr.Melita Švob primila je posebnu zahvalu ICJW za svoj rad.