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1.11.2022. 16:21

The President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania Silviu Vexler met His Holiness Pope Francis I at the Vatican.

Vexler said that he believes that this meeting “is a symbol of the special bond, of friendship between the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, the Romanian Church United with Rome, the Greek-Catholic and the Roman-Catholic Church”

He presented the Supreme Pontiff some elements of the Jewish life in Romania, in particular the joint project with Christian congregations to recognize Cardinal Iuliu Hossu as “Righteous among the Nations” in appreciation for his actions during the Shoah.

Vexler was accompanied by Diocesan Bishop  and  Auxiliary Bishop ...


Predsjednik Federacije židovskih zajednica u Rumunjskoj Silviu Vexler sastao se u Vatikanu s  Papom Franjom I.

Vexler je rekao kako vjeruje da je ovaj susret “simbol posebne veze, prijateljstva između Federacije židovskih zajednica u Rumunjskoj, Rumunjske crkve ujedinjene s Rimom, Grkokatoličke i Rimokatoličke crkve”

Predstavio je vrhovnom papi neke elemente židovskog života u Rumunjskoj, posebno zajednički projekt s kršćanskim kongregacijama da se kardinalu Iuliuu Hossu prizna »Pravednik među narodima« u znak zahvalnosti za njegova djela tijekom Shoaha.

Vexlera su pratili rumunjski biskupi.