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1.11.2022. 16:31
Crna Gora
The European Jewish Congress took part in the 9th 

Head of Projects and Diplomatic Affairs MariaBagdasarova and SACC by EJC Head of Crisis Management Dany Choueka represented the EJC at the event gathering 450 Jewish participants from across southeast Europe.

Maria Bagdasarova delivered remarks during the opening ceremony alongside President of the Parliament of Montenegro Danijela Đurović, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia and Montenegro H.E. Yahel Vilan, President of the Jewish community of Montenegro Nina Ofner Bokan, World Jewish Congress Director of Community Affairs Maya Samokovlija, and Chief Rabbi of Croatia and Montenegro Luciano Moše Prelević.

“The European Jewish Congress is proud to be a partner of this important conference. We are very pleased with the increasing success that the Mahar conference has each year and happy to see so many friends, community leaders and professionals from EJC affiliates in the region and beyond, taking part in this gathering,” Maria Bagdasarova noted.

“We are delighted to see a strong, confident and united community in Montenegro today. You do an inspiring and essential work to shape Jewish life in Montenegro in a constructive and positive way and your impact expands to the wider Balkan region,” she added praising the leadership of President Nina Ofner Bokan, Community Manager Ljiljana Vuković and Chief Rabbi Moše Prelević.


Europski židovski kongres sudjelovao je na 9. Mahar konferenciji u organizaciji Židovske zajednice Crne Gore u Budvi od 20. do 23. listopada.

Voditeljica projekata i diplomatskih poslova Maria Bagdasarova i voditelj odjela za krizni menadžment SACC by EJC Dany Choueka predstavljali su EJC na događaju koji je okupio 450 židovskih sudionika iz cijele jugoistočne Europe.

Maria Bagdasarova govorila je na svečanom otvaranju uz predsjednicu Skupštine Crne Gore Danijelu Đurović, veleposlanika Države Izrael u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori Nj.E. Yahel Vilan, predsjednica Židovske zajednice Crne Gore Nina Ofner Bokan, di rektorica za pitanja zajednice Svjetskog židovskog kongresa Maya Samokovlija i glavni rabin Hrvatske i Crne Gore Luciano Moše Prelević.

Maria Bagdasarova: “Oduševljeni smo što danas u Crnoj Gori vidimo jaku, samouvjerenu i ujedinjenu zajednicu. Obavljate inspirativan i neophodan rad na oblikovanju židovskog života u Crnoj Gori na konstruktivan i pozitivan način i vaš utjecaj se širi na širu regiju Balkana,” dodala je pohvalivši vodstvo predsjednice Nine Ofner Bokan, menadžerice zajednice Ljiljane Vuković i glavnog rabina Moše Prelevića ....