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19.1.2023. 21:50
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January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Day of the fight against anti-Semitism and racism

In November 2005, the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution establishing that January 27 would be marked as the World Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In the introduction of the UN resolution, it is written that "the Holocaust, in which a third of the Jewish people were exterminated, will serve as a global warning to all nations against the danger of gratuitous hatred, racism and prejudice."

On January 27, he was chosen to commemorate International Holocaust Day because on that date in 1945, the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp was liberated from the Nazis.

In 2004, the Israeli government declared that date as a day of the fight against anti-Semitism.

Unfortunately, the manifestations of racism are on the rise... Humanity must generate a commitment to education to fight racism and anti-Semitism.... 


Dobili smo ovaj podsjetnik:

27. siječnja - Međunarodni dan sjećanja na holokaust. Dan borbe protiv antisemitizma i rasizma

U studenom 2005. Ujedinjeni narodi (UN) usvojili su rezoluciju kojom se 27. siječnja obilježava kao Svjetski dan sjećanja na holokaust.

U uvodu rezolucije UN-a stoji da će "Holokaust, u kojem je stradala trećina židovskog naroda, poslužiti kao globalno upozorenje svim narodima na opasnost od neopravdane mržnje, rasizma i predrasuda".

27. siječnja odabran je za obilježavanje Međunarodnog dana holokausta jer je na taj datum 1945. od nacista oslobođen koncentracijski logor Auschwitz.

Izraelska vlada je 2004. taj datum proglasila Danom borbe protiv antisemitizma.

Nažalost, manifestacije rasizma su u porastu... Čovječanstvo se mora posvetiti obrazovanju za borbu protiv rasizma i antisemitizma....