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1.8.2010. 7:08
EUAS -član Evropskog židovskog kongresa

EUAS European Association of Holocaust survivors postala je član Evropskog židovskog kongresa, a već ranije i Glavnog odbora Claims konferencije.

Na  slijedećoj Konferenciji EUAS-a u Londonu ovog mjeseca i na konferenciji Svjetske organizacije u Americi, također će se raspravljati o položaju Židova u Evropi.

Prenosimo koerespondenciju predsjednika EUAS-a gospodina Maxa Arpelsa Lezera:

----- Original Message -----
From: max arpels lezer
To: ; Max Arpels Lezer ; European Jewish congress ; Serge Cwaigenbaum
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: membership of European Jewish Congress

Dear Rabbi,
Thank you very much for your kind words.
I will wait for your invitation, and hopefully we can meet at the next general assembly.
Max Arpels lezer, president
European Association of Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust

----- Original Message -----
To: Max Arpels Lezer ; European Jewish congress ; Serge Cwaigenbaum
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: membership of European Jewish Congress

To: Max Arpels Lezer, President European Association of Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust.

Dear Mr. Arpels Lezer,
I have spoken with Mr. Moshe Kantor, the President of the European Jewish Congress and he asked me to please relay to you the following message.

It would be an honor and a privilege for the EJC to have your organization as members. According to the by-laws of the EJC your organization can be Associate members of the EJC. This will give you an opportunity to participate in our General Assembly and Council meetings and have your voice and opinions heard.

This will not allow you voting rights as that is reserved exclusively for representatives of countries.

We are looking forward to accepting you and greeting you at our next General Assembly meeting.
Rabbi Yaakov D. Bleich