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1.6.2024. 17:25
Claims Konferencija je imenovala dr. Švob Melitu, predsjednicu Udruge Holokaust preživjelih u Hrvatskoj,  za  članicu  "Board of Directors of the Claims Conference".  

Prilažemo pismo  koje je poslao  Gideon Taylor, predsjednik Claims conference.  

May 29, 2024

Ms. Melita Švob

Jewish Community Zagreb

 10000  Zagreb, Palmotićeva 16, Croatia 

  Dear Melita,

It was good speaking with you earlier this week and, as I indicated, I’m pleased to inform you that you have been nominated to serve a term as an Ad Personam member of the Board of Directors of the Claims Conference....  

I very much look forward to your participation in the annual meeting.

Best Wishes.

Gideon Taylor